Monday, October 10, 2016

40 Weeks and Still Pregnant

Yup..Today is my due date and I am still very much pregnant. I know I shouldn't worry much but why everything seems to be stressing me out. My gynae is giving me another 7-9 more days before we opt for induce labour (and I pray really hard that we don't come to that as I want this pregnancy to be as natural as possible). 

During my last visit, the baby was doing fine. The fluid looked clean. She didn't poop yet so that was a relief. Tomorrow I'll be starting my daily ctg to monitor the baby's health plus my usual physio which means I will be going to KL every single day. Haishh. Anything for the baby. 

I feel so heavy right now. I'm trying so hard to keep my mind away from thinking too much. So far, walking seems to help a lot. Try to do the most of the ante-natal exercises as much as I can. I watch movies, read books, clean the house, window shopping....anything...just so I can kill time.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Prayers during Labour Pain


These are several questions with regards to Muslim mothers who are about to deliver a baby. 

1. Bila dah pecah ketuban, wajib solat ke?
2. Kene sembahyang tak kalau keluar darah sebelum bersalin?
3. Darah sebelum bersalin (yang dipanggil dengan term tumpah atau turun darah), adakah dikira darah haid atau darah nifas?

For Question 1 & 2
Based on my reading, and from what I understand, kita WAJIB SOLAT even bila a) air ketuban pecah, b) tumpah atau turun darah dan c) waktu sakit contraction. The prayer remains an obligation until the baby’s head is born. Darah yang mengiringi baby tu barulah masuk kategori darah nifas (postnatal bleeding), so dah tak wajib solat. 

For Question 3

And to answer the third question, darah sewaktu hamil adalah dikira darah haid sekiranya mematuhi tempoh kitaran haid je.

 You seriously might want to read all of these for better understanding.

1. Hukum solat ketika hendak melahirkan. 
    Muslim OB/GYN
    Laman Fiqh Anda
    Dr Zubaidi

2. How to pray when you are in labour pain?


Bearb_store Goodies

I have another lovely little order that I would like to share with you. This one is from another local stationery online seller from Shopee which goes by the name bearb_store. It took them almost a week to process the order even though most of them are ready stock items but then again I am never in a hurry.

The order came in a plastic bubble wrap bag. (The kids went crazy for it). As you can see from the pics above, I went with four washi tapes and the other items are just planning goodies that they give for free! So generous. Love the extra effort.

I chose the perfume, stationary, flower and newspaper/magazine tape. Loving the materials of the washis. Last I checked, the first two washis are sold out already. 

I just wish that the seller would inform us if some washis that we ordered would come wrapped around plastic sample rather than rolls. I was kind of expecting that when I bought the newspaper/magazine tape as there are no indications whatsoever from the product details or pictures.

Other than that, I was beyond thrilled to receive all the items. 

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Mini Craftmates Haul

So, for this entry I decided to share a mini haul from Craftmates now that AM and AZ are into creative journaling. This is also my first time purchasing stuff from Shopee and I must say that it was a pleasant experience for me. I love the fact that the customers are always able to keep track of the items bought from the seller, from the first day you ordered them up till they are being shipped out. Once you confirmed that you have received the items, you will earn Shopee Coins and you can use them for your next purchases. 

It took 5 days for the items to reach me which is kind of ok if you ask me.

These are most of the things that I bought. I bought ten washi tapes. As you can see they are probably too much. Even for the three of us. In my defense all of them are on sales. Washi tapes are also something that I probably don't limit myself from buying. They are small and they don't take much room for storage. If you get bored of them, just use it up. Well, that's my justification anyways.

Among them is this super slim washi. 

Look at the size compared to the standard washi tape. Retail at RM2.20, I didn't realize it is that slim although the site did mention its width; 3mm. The bird washi is AZ's favourite. In fact, she did a page on birds just so she can use it in her creative page. And that super slim washi, AZ used it to highlight the title.

All of these items were on sales. Except the super slim washi tape. You just have to browse through their  20% -70% category . Free shipping for minimum purchase of RM20. And it will take them 14-20 days to deliver pre-order items.

They also gave stickers as freebies. Don't you just love surprises no matter how small they are? I am so happy with all the items bought and will probably purchase other stuff from them too.